Monday, August 19, 2013

7th grade!!

I can't believe that my baby girl is in the 7th grade!!  We had a much easier morning than we did the morning she started 6th grade.  No tears!!  I was one happy mama. :)

Where did the time go and when did she get to be so big?!?!

 In the car on the way to school. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

shaving cream and silly string....

We had a back to school bash last night with our church that included shaving cream, silly string, and lots of water.  It was at the Bobitt's house - a family that attends church with us. I only got a few pictures before I was snatched out onto the porch to join in the fun, but here you go. :)

"Mom, you don't have anything left.  Here, let me help."

Friday, August 9, 2013

Gulf Shores, July 2013

Kevin, me, Kaitlyn and Kaitlyn's friend, Skylar, went to Gulf Shores in July.  Here are a few pictures from my phone. I have more pictures on my camera, but I lost the cord to the camera.  If I ever find it, I'll post those pictures, too. :)

Beach, day one.

We're big girls.  We get to drink virgin daiquiri's!

Fishing on the pier with Tanner.  

Just hanging around.

Paaa Pa!!